Training slump, exhaustion and more faceplanting exercises

Diddly squats Sooo, what have I done since my last blog? It feels like I didn’t do much at all. Seeing that last Wednesday was a complete failure, I had best intentions for Thursday. I think, though that the week was against me.

I got up really early to go to the gym and do my strength exercises. So far so good. It was still crazy busy. Have people realized that it is February already and that they can now drop their new year’s resolutions and get fat again? Has everybody gone to see a motivation trainer? Are there no more losers anymore? C’mon, we need you to keep the gym empty! Enough of the non p/c talk now. I was just miffed because I had to go to the boy’s gym to grab myself the weights that I needed for my workout and then I ended up hiding out in a corner because I didn’t want to do my stability exercises next to that guy that was trying to make his biceps, which was already as big my fat thigh, even bigger. I always wonder how these people would save themselves if they ever went overboard a ship or were victims of flooding because you cannot swim with those muscles. Therefore, body building seems rather useless to me.

The training went well anyway. I could feel that my body had gotten stronger and I was more cheerful and chipper as I went to work. Unfortunately, I couldn’t leave work as early as I wanted but I thought that 40 minutes from work to gym should be plenty. It wasn’t. The weather is currently just as awful as around Christmas and that always makes for heavy traffic. I could see the numbers of my digital clock in the car move closer and closer to 6:30 whilst I wasn’t moving at all. Another night for a missed training.

Friday was my non-training day and despite best intentions to make up for the missed workouts, I felt to weak and exhausted to even consider it. I got home and collapsed on the sofa. Whatever it was, I don’t know. I just know that I was very low on energy that week.

Saturday was a new day. I was kind to myself and skipped yet another swim because I decided that I needed the rest. I did go to my spinning class, though. Neither the Whisperer nor the Drill Master were there. It was one of the gym spinning instructors. Whilst I think he is incredibly cute (not to say sizzling hot), I am not a huge fan of his spinning classes. I should be. They burn up more calories than my other classes, I usually really push myself hard. This time, I got to a point where breathing was no longer possible, the spinning coach was simply taking my breath away (in every sense of the word).

I did manage to actually do some necessary cleaning in my apartment and be active during the day but this spinning session obviously took its toll on my body. Despite all the nasty weather, I dragged myself to the gym once more to do the strength sessions. I have never cried so much during workout. Everything was just an effort. The single legged squats were the wobbliest affair ever, I hurt my back during the reverse wood chops and I could not correct my arched back during the jack knives on the Swiss ball. It was misery all over and I couldn’t really understand why. It wasn’t until I spoke to one of my spinning buddies who said that she had been in absolute excruciating pain on Sunday that I realized that the spinning session was a bit much the day before.

Monday was back to the pool after a night of poor sleep and that is what the pool session felt like. I was late because I couldn’t wake up. So I had to cut the training short. My way of doing that was speed it up. I only had to cut 200 meters. I ended up with 1.8 km in 45 minutes (which included 600 meters of terribly slow drills).1782411_591768277566047_390209118_o

Monday night I treated myself to some sleep because Tuesday was PT day and I needed to be fit for that. Right I was, too. She had some stuff prepared for me. This time, we’re going all for balance. Balance that comes not only from my ankles but from my core as well. I hope nobody uploads the gym’s video footage up on YouTube. So much faceplanting potential. I was shaking and wobbling all over. Having had too much black tea didn’t help with the exercises either. Who says I don’t have entertainment potential? On a positive note, I finally got the go to run again. Only 5 km, 3 min run, 2 min walk… Better than nothing.

The spinning session on Tuesday night was an awkward one. Drill Master had the sniffles and didn’t cycle himself. He just “dictated” the program. Strangely, I didn’t push that hard. Well, after my wobbly entertainment act, my legs weren’t up for much anyway. Instead some guy who had occupied the cycle next to me very clumsily tried to “encourage” me to go out cycling with them (whoever they are). At first, I tried to politely let him know that a) I didn’t like this Spanish Inquisition and b) had no interest in joining them. That didn’t work at all. But no matter how rude and dismissive I got, he wouldn’t leave me alone. After the class, I simply walked away from him without another word. Some people just don’t get it, do they?

Swimming on Wednesday… Well, the pool was packed and some people seriously got their knickers in a twist over it. I didn’t care. I did my program, I finished my 2 km, felt great afterwards, and then I went to work. There, I didn’t feel quite so great. Everything went pear-shaped. So when yoga came around that night, felt so grateful. Not only did I badly need a stretch, I also needed to vacate my brain of whatever had happened during the day. As for the stretch, funnily there wasn’t much of one. But my legs definitely hurt. So did my gluteus. The strength training was working! But I did get my relaxation despite the man next to me who took the Ujjayi breath so seriously, it sounded like he was moaning the whole time.

ExhaustedThis morning, I was in for my strength program again. Fun times! I actually enjoyed the shoulder and arm exercises even though I can already feel that by Saturday at the latest, I will not be able to lift the knife to spread the Nutella on my bread roll (here’s a diet tip!). The balancing and core exercises, as expected didn’t look so pretty. The first set of single-leg dead lifts looked more like expressionistic dancing with me waiving 7.5 kg weights around in the air. It got better for the second set but I still looked as if I had just touched an electric eel.

So now, I am officially wrecked, I just accidentally ate blue cheese at lunch (to which I am allergic) and the anti-histamine is not working as it should, therefore, my spin session tonight will be an interesting undertaking.

This was my update…It’ll be a while until you get the next, I will have to get myself some new internet on the weekend. My landlord’s line has broken down. Olé!


Keep on training!

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