Once More with a Feeling – Ironman 70.3 Ireland Galway

I am officially a repeat offender. I have done it again. Another 70.3 under my belt. And this time, it was all different. To be quite honest, after not being able to run the stupid run in the 70.3 Mallorca, the dehydration and the spiking heart rate and the subsequent physical meltdown including the ongoing health…

Race Day Tomorrow and No Time to Write!

I forgot to write, yes indeed! I was so busy with training and work, I never had the half hour to compose a blog. Shame on me. And now, Ironman 70.3 Ireland is here! It’s tomorrow! I’ll quickly give you a rundown of events until today. I did the Streets of Galway and I did…

It’s time for a training update

Long time, no posting, huh? Well, as announced, I made a trip to the homeland the very night a wrote my last post and I did not take my laptop with me this time. I had enough to carry with me as it was and to top things off, I had obviously hurt my calf…

Excuse me but there is sticky stuff on my crossbar!

I’m finally, finally back into the training routine even though my lungs are worse than ever. On Tuesday, the aquathon series started. The weather was miserable. Well not miserable miserable, more like way too windy for my taste and looking awfully like it was going to rain. The temperature was actually a pleasant 20 °C.…

The Aquathon

So this week was my first real race after Mallorca. My motivation wasn’t the greatest but I knew that if you fall of a horse, you had better get back on it. And that’s what this was going to be. I slept enough before the race as it wasn’t going to start until 3 pm…

Oooh oooh Running in the Rain

Because Galway 70.3 is really only 7 weeks away and I can only train for another 6 (because we must taper), I really need to get back to my running. And so I did tonight. I felt tired, the air was just one thick wet curtain, it was windy and cold. Obviously, I wasn’t going…

The 70.3 Gods are against me

Some higher power does not want me to finish my second 70.3. It can’t be anything else. My tri season is all messed up anyway. Basically, I will go out of this season having done 2 sprints, 2 Ironman 7o.3 and not one Olympic (there should have been 2). I’ve already come to terms with…